Best Job in the World… Meet George.

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George Hall is another Ticket to Ride success story. Having completed the Ticket to Ride South Africa course, he now spends his Winters working as a Ski Guide for Basecamp and his Summers working in the Surf Schools in Newquay and Perranporth. Literally living the dream. Meet George…


1.     Name and job: George, Senior Instructor

2.     Sum yourself up in three words: Ginger, Wannabe, Blonde

3.     Sum your job up in three words: Suncream, sunburn, aftersun

4.     How long have you surfed? 6 years

5.     What do you love about surfing? Being in the ocean and thinking about nothing else

6.     What made you decide to become a surf coach? My love for surfing and wanting to live by the coast

7.     How did you get into it? I did the 13 week Ticket to ride South Africa trip, during which I passed the surf instructor course in Durban. After I came home I did my hours (you have to do 20 hours shadowing another instructor) at the Perranporth surf school and haven’t looked back since!

8.     What do you love about your job? Meeting so many people and seeing the looks on everybody’s faces when they stand up and ride their first wave!

9.     Are there any negatives? I spend a lot of my time with a pink face from being in the sun all day but I can’t really complain too much

10. What is the hardest thing you’ve had to deal with yet? Keeping a group of 40 school kids in between the flags!!

11. What are the most common mistakes the average surfer makes? Looking down at your feet or board rather than watching the wave and letting go to early before standing up, keep those hands down!

12. Do you have any basic tips for the average surfer? Practice your pop up over and over, even when you’re out of the water! Find something with a straight line and pop up over it again and again to practice getting your feet in the right place. You can do this on the beach by drawing a line in the sand just before you go in for a surf!

13. What are the three best things about Perranporth? The falafel van! The pasties! The beers!

14. Describe the (George) experience, what can a newbie surfer expect from a 2 hour lesson with you? A stereotypical looking surf instructor, unnecessary singing in the water, questionable dance moves, George’s stand up guarantee and expert suncream/after sun advice

15. Newquay or Perranporth? PERRANPOOORRTTHHH


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